This infographic depicting global food waste causes and distributions provides an accessible translation of data for viewers to understand the complex relationships of this issue.
To help people to see global impact of household actions and reflect on their food consumption behaviors.
Topic Research
Audience Targeting
Data Exploration
Design Iterations
Refinement & Testing
Explore relevant problems and data relationships to identify impactful visualization topics.
Select higher income audiences like millenials as primary target audience to inspire actionable waste reduction.
Investigate variables affecting food waste like infrastructure, consumption habits and spoilage.
Experiment with layouts using bar charts, bell curves and relevant visuals for data clarity and engagement.
Adjust keys and visual representations to inspire thoughtful action and comprehesion.
The design solution combines a bell curve layout to reveal both trends and anomalies in food waste across income levels. I minimally incorporated imagery connecting directly to food waste, maintaining focus on data while keeping it visually engaging. Warm tones—mainly reds, yellows, and green—were used to enhance approachability, referring to familiar colors associated with food and evoking sustainable action. This design emphasizes the data’s complexity while guiding viewers to explore the relationships in an accessible and inspiring way.

Using data analysis and visual cues to make these global relationships clear, I hope to encoourage viewers to reflect on their own consumption and disposal behaviors.